Case Modelling and CMMN in Practice

Case Modelling and CMMN in Practice

Practical overview of case modelling and the new CMMN standard

Location: In-company (YOUR COMPANY)
Presented in English by Christian Gijsels
Price: ASK FOR PRICE QUOTE (excl. 21% VAT)

 Learning Objectives

Why do we organize this workshop ?

A lot of organisations are struggling with the automation and follow-up of collaborative, complex, unstructured and information-intensive administrative processes. These are processes that focus on a case (dossier), in which there typically are many exceptions and a very dynamic process flow (also called adaptive, hence the name Adaptive Case Management or ACM). Modelling these in BPMN is very difficult or impossible. Fortunately, there is now the CMMN notation to describe those complex processes.

CMMN stands for "Case Management Model and Notation". It is the new standard from the Object Management Group (OMG, who is also responsible for BPMN), and now the widely accepted standard notation for modelling cases and case management. CMMN is a less complex notation than BPMN and more suited to describe knowledge-intensive business cases. Although (or more likely, because) there are less components in CMMN, it is a more effective and easier to understand notation. Whereas BPMN requires you to model every possible path ("Imperative Modelling"), which is not always possible upfront due to complexity or unpredictability, CMMN tries to grasp all possible cases in one case model ("Declarative Modelling").

Case Management can be translated in Dutch as "geautomatiseerd digitaal dossierbeheer", and is often referred to as "zaakbeheer" or "zaakgericht werken" in the Netherlands. CMMN is to Case Management what BPMN is to Business Process Management. CMMN allows organisations to better understand their cases via a graphical and schematic description. Case Management focuses more on the goal of the process than on the execution details of that process. Declarative Modelling is less about the sequence of activities than about one or more targets that can be reached in different ways, depending on who executes the case.

During this course, we will clearly show the difference between Imperative Modelling with BPMN and Declarative Modelling with CMMN, as we dive into case management, the CMMN notation and its usage. Both BPMN and CMMN can be used alongside eachother, or even extended with the Decision Model Notation (DMN) for modelling decision processes. We will also touch upon this during this course.

What will you learn during this workshop ?

This course is an introduction to the CMMN (Case Management Model and Notation) syntax. It will position CMMN as the second layer of the 3D business blueprint of the organisation. This layer is in between the "vision" (first layer, often modelled in ArchiMate) and the "Low Level BPM" (third layer, often modelled in UML). This course will cover the complete syntax of CMMN (both version 1.0 and 1.1), as well as the relationship with BPMN en DMN, and particularly explain you when to use what.

This course helps the participants in their business process modelling work, particularly those who are involved in business process reengineering (BPR) and business process improvement (BPI), modelling "to be" changes to the current "as is" situation.

During this workshop, we translate the theory of CMMN into practice, by doing some group exercises so that you get the CMMN syntax into your fingers. Theory and practice will be alternated, and the exercises will gradually become more complex. Also, we will practice the combination of CMMN with BPMN and vice versa.

This training "CMMN in Practice" provides an answer to these and many other questions:

  • What is a case, what is case management ?
  • What is the CMMN standard and where does it come from ?
  • How do you use CMMN optimally for modelling cases ?
  • What is the link between CMMN and BPMN ?
  • What is the link between CMMN and DMN (the decision modelling notation) ?
  • When to use CMMN and when to use BPMN/DMN ?
  • Which tools can help you in using CMMN ?
  • During this seminar, we explore some realistic Belgian examples in which BPMN/CMMN/DMN is used.

After this workshop:

  • You will see where case modelling and CMMN fits in process modelling
  • You will master the CMMN notation and know how to use it
  • You will be able to use CMMN practically and pragmatically in your projects

Who should attend this workshop ?

This course and workshop is aimed at everyone who wants to understand case management, and wants to start using CMMN. At this moment, case management is used in administrative environments where a lot of cases (dossiers) are managed, and a lot of case managers need to work efficiently, transparantly and consistently:

  • Applications and treatment of grants, licenses, etc (e.g. in government)
  • Processing and dealing of claims (e.g. in the insurance sector)
  • Legal cases
  • Retail (administrative processes)
  • Product Development
  • Inspection and control processes
  • ...

This course aims at these target audiences, but this is certainly not a exhaustive list:

  • Case management modelers in BPM project groups
  • Enterprise architecten
  • Business Analysten
  • Proces managers en modellers

 Full Programme

Introduction of the speaker, the participants and the workshop
Positioning CMMN
  • The Business Blueprint
  • The 3D Enterprise Blueprinting Framework
  • The 3-layer model
  • Visibility and tracibility
  • Positioning CMMN in the 3D Enterprise Business Blueprint
  • Definition of a (CMMN-oriented) case
  • The new Business Ecosysteem: CMMN versus BPMN - when to use BPMN and when to use CMMN ?
  • The BPM-Trilogy: Successfull BPM Projects with BPMN, CMMN and DMN
  • What is ... EA, BPA, BPMS, BPM, BPMN, CMMN, Zachman, BPML, BPI, BPEL, XPDL, BPR, Brown Paper, Round tripping, cloud BPM, Social BPM, ...
Coffee/Tea and Refreshments
The syntax of CMMN
  • BPMN versus CMMN - a comparison
  • What is a Case
  • What is Case Management ?
  • The elements of CMMN:
    • Grouping
    • Sentries
    • Tasks
    • Event-Triggered elements
    • Case File Item
    • Markers
    • Connectors
    • Planning Table
Getting up to speed with CMMN
  • CMMN exercises
  • Combined exercises of CMMN and BPMN
Coffee/Tea and Refreshments
CMMN Tools & Demo
Questions & Answers, Discussion
End of this Workshop


Christian Gijsels (GIJSELSDOTCOM NV)

Christian Gijsels is an independent consultant at GIJSELSDOTCOM NV. He is specialized in the modelling of business processes (BPMN, UML Activity Diagrams), cases (CMMN), decision rules (DMN), information architecture (Data Flow Diagrams, UML, ...) and business/enterprise architecture (ArchiMate). Before, he was a Director at KPMG Technology Advisory Belgium.

He worked for a long time at the Cronos Holding, where he was co-founder and responsible for the Consulting Practice The Business Analysts, a group of 55+ Strategy, Business and Functional analysts and project managers. Before this, Christian was e-Business Manager at KPMG. Christian Gijsels is a member of BPM Institute and is actively in touch with Bruce Silver, the founder of BPMN.

Christian finished his Master in Computer Technology at the LUC, and holds many certifications, e.g. Certified Advanced Consulting Skills (KPMG Verona), Certified PDN (Consulting Problem Solving), Certified Teacher at IBM Belgium, and Internal Auditor Quality System ISO 9001:2000 (SGS Belgium), Certified Scrum Master/CSM at Scrum Alliance, Certified BPMN at New York (Bruce Silver), and KMO Challenge at Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School. He is also certified Scrum PO, and Certified in ArchiMate and Six Sigma.

You can find more about Christian at LinkedIn and follow his tweets at Twitter.

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