Company Name: I.T. Works bv
Administrative Address: Soenenspark 35, 9051 Gent, Belgium
IBAN Number: BE85-0682-2141-0106
BTW/TVA/VAT Number: BE 454.842.797
Ondernemingsnummer (RRRP Number): BE 0454.842.797
Bank account number and address: 068-2214101-06 at the Belfius Bank, Kon. Albertlaan 142, 9000 Gent
Relève d'Identité Bancaire: Our RIB (proof that the bank account number mentioned above is ours) is online
I.T. Works offers vendor-independent information about technical and strategic issues in information and communication technology (ICT) through seminars, newsletters and on-line resource centers.
I.T. Works organizes seminars and workshops on nearly all the important areas in IT:
Our most important deliverables are seminars, workshops and IT updates. Besides that, we produce various newsletters, blogs and press articles. Most of all, we filter information from hundreds of on-line and off-line IT resources, and we listen to end-users, consultants and vendors to know what is happening in IT today. Over the past 10 years, I.T. Works has grown a network of excellent speakers and happy customers. This makes it possible for us to deliver seminars that answer the needs and requirements of IT professionals more accurately, more quickly and more effectively than our competitors.
I.T. Works was founded in 1992 by ir. Patrick Van Renterghem. He graduated from the University of Ghent (Belgium) in 1984 as a civil engineer with a specialization in electronics and computer science. From 1984 to 1992, Patrick did research at the Automatic Control Laboratory of that University in the field of parallel processing and multiprocessing, doing both hardware and software developments in the fields of neural networks, image processing, machine-to-machine interfaces and pattern recognition. He presented his research at many conferences worldwide, and published various articles in the trade press. From 1985 till 1992, he was a successful facilitator of events and seminars for the BIRA (the Belgian Institute for Automatic Control), and he was a Chairman of the Working Party DTCS (Digital Techniques and Computer Systems) of the BIRA.
Since 1992, I.T. Works has become the leading organizer of technical and business IT seminars. It is a registered trademark in the Benelux and the strongest brand name in IT seminars in Belgium, known for its information-packed and vendor-independent seminars. The readers of the leading Belgian IT weekly Data News awarded I.T. Works for the continuous effort to develop and organize IT seminars that answer the needs and requirements of IT professionals with the Award for Excellence 1998 in the category "IT Management Seminar Organizer of the Year".
I.T. Works was founded in 1992 by ir. Patrick Van Renterghem to provide business and technical information about IT to companies in and around Belgium. Since then, we organised over 1.250 events with over over 100 speakers for over 10.000 customers. Patrick has one of the biggest #biztech networks in Belgium, both on the IT supply and on the IT demand side. To know more, check out his LinkedIn profile.
Coming from Antwerp via E17
On the E17, take the exchange to E40 in the direction of Oostende (Go West). After the "last mile" on the E40 highway, follow the description below as if you were coming from Brussels....
Coming from Brussels or Oostende via E40:
Leave the E40 at exit 14 marked "Gent - Expo". Take direction Sint-Denijs-Westrem. When you see the Carrefour hypermarket, you are almost there.