The Hadoop Ecosystem

The Hadoop Ecosystem

The Hadoop technology stack is becoming bigger and better by the day. This one-day seminar offers a unique, well-structured overview and explanation...

Location: In-company (YOUR COMPANY)
Presented in English by Geert Van Landeghem
Price: ASK FOR PRICE QUOTE (excl. 21% VAT)

 Learning Objectives

Why should you attend this seminar about the Hadoop ecosystem ?

During this seminar, you will get real answers to these and other questions:

  • What is Hadoop and how does it fit in the big data (r)evolution ?
  • Which components are part of the Hadoop ecosystem ?
  • How do you import enterprise data into Hadoop?
  • What are the possibilities to store data on Hadoop?
  • How do you model data on Hadoop?
  • How do you maintain different versions of data?
  • How do you process data stored on Hadoop?
  • How do you integrate Hadoop in your enterprise?
  • How do you keep an Hadoop cluster up and running?
  • Which use cases can be implemented using Hadoop?

Why do we organize this seminar ?

The rise of the Internet, social media and mobile technologies, and in the very near future the Internet of Things (IoT) ensures that our data footprint is growing fast. Companies like Google and Facebook were quickly confronted with massive data sets, which led to a new way of thinking about data.

The last 10 years, Hadoop provides an open source solution based on the same technology used within Google. It allows you to store and analyze massive amounts of data to create new insights.

With this seminar, we want to give everyone the opportunity to get acquainted with this revolutionary technology and the concepts behind it. You will get an overview of:

  • HDFS, HBase and Hive, the most important storage technologies
  • MapReduce and Spark, the most important processing frameworks
  • YARN and Mesos, the most important resource managers
  • Sqoop, Flume and Kafka as the most important integration tools
  • Solr and ElasticSearch as the most important indexing and search engines

Most of these technologies are covered during this one-day seminar, as well as a lot more:

Who should attend this seminar ?

This seminar is aimed at everyone who wants to use big data technology, and therefore needs to understand the components of the Hadoop ecosystem and the concepts behind them. This seminar is presented in English.

 Full Programme

Introducing the speaker, participants and workshop
What is Hadoop ?
The Hadoop Ecosystem
Hadoop Storage Technologies
  • HDFS
  • HBase
  • Hive
  • The "Hadoop Data Lake"
Hadoop Processing Technologies
  • MapReduce
  • Apache Spark
Integration with Hadoop: Importing and Exporting data
  • Sqoop
  • Flume
  • Kafka

Most of these technologies are covered during this one-day seminar, as well as a lot more:

Managing a Hadoop Cluster
  • YARN and Mesos
  • Cloudera Manager
  • Ambari
Big Data Architectures
Hadoop Use Cases
End of this Seminar


Geert Van Landeghem (DataCrunchers)

Geert Van Landeghem is a Big Data consultant with 25 years of experience working for companies across industries. He worked on his first big data project in 2011, and is still consulting companies on how to adopt big data within their organisation.

He has worked as the Head of BI for a gambling company in Belgium, where he led a team of 8 people. He is an Apache Spark Certified Developer since November 2014, and has worked as an instructor for IBM and Datacrunchers, where he teaches Hadoop and Spark-related courses.

He is currently examining how Artificial Intelligence can be used for business use cases and as such followed the first IBM Watson and O'Reilly AI conferences abroad.

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